LINKEDU Guardians 獲監管英國監護公司組織 AEGIS 認證

LINKEDU Guardians 由英籍港人Winnie 擔任負責人,提供英國監護人服務。Winnie具有教育界的豐富背景,曾在香港擔任高級學位教師。她以傑出的表現獲得教師表揚獎,同時接受了教育文憑、輔導文憑、資優培訓、特殊教育需要以及升學輔導等多方面的訓練。

作為LINKEDU Guardians的負責人,Winnie注重細節,善於細心聆聽學生和家長的需求。她深刻理解每個學生的獨特性,並致力於提供以人為本的監護人服務。她的目標是確保學生在學習和生活上得到全方位的支持和指導,並與學校及家長攜手合作,共同促進學生的成長和發展。

Winnie 相信,每個學生都應該得到關注和關心。她以專業知識和經驗為基礎,為學生提供個人化的指導和輔導,幫助他們克服獨自留學所遇到的困難,發揮潛力。同時,她也十分重視與家長之間的溝通和合作,建立起良好的家校合作關係,共同為學生的未來開路。

作為LINKEDU Guardians的負責人,Winnie致力於提供高質量的監護人服務,為學生的學習旅程提供全方位的支援。她的專業背景和對學生的關愛令LINKEDU Guardians成為學生和家長信賴的夥伴,為他們的教育和成長引導航行。

"The guardian explained how LINKEDU Guardianship Ltd places student welfare as their top priority and that staff have the best interests of students when carrying out their work. The guardian understands the importance of fostering trusting relationships with students to enable them to turn to them with any concerns or worries should they ever have a need. It is seen as extremely important to the guardian that students should not feel alone, and the guardian's phone is turned on 24/7 should any student need to talk. The guardian recognises the need to work closely with schools where a student has a mental health concern. She explained that she is trained as a counsellor and has connections with Cantonese speaking counsellors should students require additional support."

Lead Inspector Report from AEGIS


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