QS 世界大學排名 QS World University Rankings
QS 世界大學排名由英國全球高等教育分析機構Quacquarelli Symonds(QS),參考超過13萬名學者及7.5萬位僱主的意見,以及統計論文引用次數等計算出綜合評分。因問卷調查形式公開透明,而獲評為世上最受注目的大學排行榜之一。
評分標準* | 比重 (%) | 簡介 |
研究與發現 | 50% | 衡量機構的研究品質、數量及其在學術界的聲譽 |
就業能力及成果 | 20% | 衡量機構能夠在多大程度上確保其畢業生的高水準就業能力和在雇主間的聲譽 |
全球參與度 | 15% | - 檢視國際教職人員與全體員工的比例 - 檢視國際學生佔學生總數的比例以及其國籍的多樣性 - 衡量與位於其他地方的機構所建立和維持的研究夥伴關係方面是否成功 |
學習經驗 | 10% | 評估每位教職員需負責的學生人數 |
可持續性 | 15% | 表現出對可持續發展的承諾,涵蓋環境、社會和治理(ESG)方面的各種因素 |
*2026年QS 世界大學排名將引入國際學生多樣性(International Student Diversity, ISD)作為新指標(不佔任何比重),衡量該機構的國際學生群體規模,並評估機構在吸引來自不同國家和背景的學生之成效,相當著重於國際學生在總學生中所佔的比例和國家多樣性。
U.S. News全球大學排行榜 U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings
U.S. News全球大學排行榜是由美國新聞與世界報道(US News & World Report)所發佈的全球大學排名,旨在幫助學生和教育工作者比較不同大學的學術表現。該排行榜每年發布,依據多個指標進行評估,包括學術聲譽、研究產出、國際合作及教學資源等。這些指標反映了學校的整體實力和影響力,讓學生能夠更全面地了解各校的優勢和特色。
評分標準 | 比重 (%) | 簡介 |
全球研究聲譽 | 12.50% | 近五年來大學的全球性學術聲譽調查 |
區域研究聲譽 | 12.50% | 近五年來大學的區域性學術聲譽調查 |
研究文獻的發表數量 | 10% | 整體研究生產力,基於學術論文(評論、文章和筆記)的總數 |
研究書籍出版量 | 2.50% | 書籍是學術研究的重要出版媒介,為文章上的數據作更詳細的補充,特別是在社會科學、藝術和人文領域 |
學術會議 | 2.50% | 學術會議是學術交流的重要場所,特別是在與工程和電腦科學相關的學科 |
規範化的引文影響力 (NCI) | 10% | NCI 被認為是量度研究成效的核心衡量標準之一,每篇論文的總引用次數代表了大學研究的整體影響力 |
總引用次數 | 7.50% | 衡量大學對全球研究界的影響力 |
前10%最常被引用的出版物中,該大學所佔的數量 | 12.50% | 被認為是該大學產生了多少優秀研究的有力指標 |
前10%最常被引用的出版物中,該大學所佔的百分比 | 10% | 按領域和出版年份,是衡量大學優秀研究數量的指標 |
國際合作-相對於國家 | 5% | 與國際間共同撰寫的論文總數 |
國際合作 | 5% | 與國際作者合作完成論文的比例 |
在各領域前1%最常被引用的論文中,該大學所佔的數量 | 5% | 衡量論文質素的指標 |
在各領域前1%最常被引用的出版物中,該大學所佔的數量 | 5% | 衡量出版物質素的指標 |
2024-2025 U.S. News全球大學排行榜 - 美國Top 30大學
排名 | 美國大學 |
1 | Harvard University |
2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
3 | Stanford University |
4 | University of California Berkeley |
5 | University of Washington Seattle |
6 | Columbia University |
7 | Yale University |
8 | University of California Los Angeles |
9 | Johns Hopkins University |
10 | University of Pennsylvania |
11 | University of California San Francisco |
12 | Princeton University |
13 | Cornell University |
14 | University of Michigan |
15 | University of California San Diego |
16 | California Institute of Technology |
17 | Northwestern University |
18 | University of Chicago |
19 | Duke University |
20 | Washington University (WUSTL) |
21 | New York University |
22 | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
23 | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
24 | University of Pittsburgh |
25 | University of Texas Austin |
26 | Ohio State University |
27 | Emory University |
28 | University of Minnesota Twin Cities |
29 | Vanderbilt University |
30 | Georgia Institute of Technology |
QS世界排名 | 綜合分數 | 美國大學 | 位置 |
1 | 100 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, United States |
4 | 96.8 |
Harvard University
Cambridge, United States |
6 | 96.1 |
Stanford University
Stanford, United States |
10 | 90.9 |
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Pasadena, United States |
11 | 90.3 |
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, United States |
12 | 90.1 |
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
Berkeley, United States |
16 | 87.9 |
Cornell University
Ithaca, United States |
21 | 86.2 |
University of Chicago
Chicago, United States |
22 | 85.5 |
Princeton University
Princeton, United States |
23 | 85.2 |
Yale University
New Haven, United States |
32 | 82.1 |
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, United States |
34 | 82 |
Columbia University
New York City, United States |
42 | 79.8 |
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, United States |
43 | 79.6 |
New York University (NYU)
New York City, United States |
44 | 79 |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, United States |
50 | 76 |
Northwestern University
Evanston, United States |
58 | 72 |
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, United States |
61 | 70.8 |
Duke University
Durham, United States |
66 | 69.5 |
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, United States |
69 | 68.2 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, United States |
72 | 67.1 |
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
San Diego, United States |
76 | 65.3 |
University of Washington
Seattle, United States |
79 | 64.7 |
Brown University
Providence, United States |
89 | 61.7 |
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, United States |
89 | 61.7 |
Purdue University
West Lafayette, United States |
108 | 58.6 |
Boston University
Boston, United States |
114 | 57.3 |
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, United States |
116 | 57.1 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, United States |
125 | 55.2 |
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, United States |
130 | 54.4 |
University of California, Davis
Davis, United States |
141 | 53.6 |
Rice University
Houston, United States |
152 | 51.9 |
Michigan State University
East Lansing, United States |
154 | 51.8 |
Texas A&M University
College Station, United States |
171 | 49.9 |
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, United States |
178 | 48.9 |
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Santa Barbara, United States |
196 | 46.6 |
Emory University
Atlanta, United States |
200 | 46.2 |
Arizona State University
Tempe, United States |
215 | 44.2 |
University of Florida
Gainesville, United States |
218 | 44 |
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, United States |
236 | 42.3 |
University of Rochester
Rochester, United States |
243 | 41.3 |
Dartmouth College
Hanover, United States |
248 | 40.8 |
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, United States |
259 | 39.7 |
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, United States |
275 | 38.2 |
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, United States |
275 | 38.2 |
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, United States |
293 | 37 |
The University of Arizona
Tucson, United States |
297 | 36.6 |
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, United States |
301 | 36.3 |
Georgetown University
Washington D.C., United States |
307 | 35.5 |
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, United States |
311 | 35.1 |
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, United States |
316 | 34.7 |
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, United States |
320 | 34.4 |
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, United States |
324 | 34.1 |
University of Miami
Miami, United States |
328 | 33.8 |
Rutgers University–New Brunswick
New Brunswick, United States |
344 | 32.9 |
Tufts University
Medford, United States |
355 | 32.1 |
Indiana University Bloomington
Bloomington, United States |
365 | 31.6 |
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Chicago, United States |
371 | 31.3 |
George Washington University
Washington D.C., United States |
389 | 30.1 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, United States |
393 | 29.9 |
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, United States |
396 | 29.7 |
Northeastern University
Boston, United States |
413 | 28.8 |
Yeshiva University
New York City, United States |
442 | 26.8 |
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, United States |
452 | 26.4 |
University of Kansas
Lawrence, United States |
460 | 26.2 |
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Stony Brook, United States |
466 | 25.7 |
University at Buffalo SUNY
Buffalo, United States |
466 | 25.7 |
Washington State University
Pullman, United States |
470 | 25.6 |
Iowa State University
Ames, United States |
481 | 25 |
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Knoxville, United States |
488 | 24.6 |
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Honolulu, United States |
497 | 24.2 |
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, United States |
501 | 24.1 |
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, United States |
506 | 24 |
University of Delaware
Newark, United States |
527 | 23.2 |
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, United States |
531 | 23.1 |
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, United States |
565 | 22 |
University of Connecticut
Storrs, United States |
573 | 21.6 |
Florida State University
Tallahassee, United States |
574 | 21.5 |
Florida International University
Miami, United States |
587 | 21.1 |
The University of Georgia
Athens, United States |
596 | 20.8 |
University of Iowa
Iowa City, United States |
596 | 20.8 |
University of Texas Dallas
Richardson, United States |
601-610 | n/a |
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, United States |
601-610 | n/a |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, United States |
601-610 | n/a |
University of South Carolina
Columbia, United States |
621-630 | n/a |
University of South Florida
Tampa, United States |
631-640 | n/a |
Tulane University
New Orleans, United States |
631-640 | n/a |
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, United States |
641-650 | n/a |
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, United States |
641-650 | n/a |
Oregon State University
Corvallis, United States |
641-650 | n/a |
University of Missouri, Columbia
Columbia, United States |
651-660 | n/a |
University of Houston
Houston, United States |
661-670 | n/a |
City University of New York
New York City, United States |
681-690 | n/a |
Temple University
Philadelphia, United States |
701-710 | n/a |
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, United States |
701-710 | n/a |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lincoln, United States |
701-710 | n/a |
University of Oklahoma
Norman, United States |
711-720 | n/a |
American University
Washington D.C., United States |
721-730 | n/a |
Brandeis University
Waltham, United States |
721-730 | n/a |
Drexel University
Philadelphia, United States |
741-750 | n/a |
University of Central Florida
Orlando, United States |
741-750 | n/a |
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, United States |
761-770 | n/a |
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, United States |
761-770 | n/a |
University of Colorado, Denver
Denver, United States |
771-780 | n/a |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Baltimore, United States |
781-790 | n/a |
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, United States |
781-790 | n/a |
The New School
New York, United States |
791-800 | n/a |
University of Kentucky
Lexington, United States |
791-800 | n/a |
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, United States |
791-800 | n/a |
Wayne State University
Detroit, United States |
791-800 | n/a |
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
Newark, United States |
801-850 | n/a |
Rutgers University–Newark
Newark, United States |
801-850 | n/a |
Syracuse University
Syracuse, United States |
801-850 | n/a |
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, United States |
801-850 | n/a |
University of Oregon
Eugene, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Swarthmore College
Philadelphia, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
University at Albany SUNY
Albany, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
University of Mississippi
Oxford, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Clarkson University
Potsdam, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Georgia State University
Atlanta, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Kansas State University
Manhattan, United States |
851-900 | n/a |
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, United States |
901-950 | n/a |
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, United States |
901-950 | n/a |
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, United States |
901-950 | n/a |
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, United States |
901-950 | n/a |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
University of Denver
Denver, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
Auburn University
Auburn, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
Clark University
Worcester, United States |
951-1000 | n/a |
Clemson University
Clemson, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Idaho
Moscow, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Kent State University
Kent, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Louisville College of Business
Louisville, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Vermont
Burlington, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Wyoming
Laramie, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Mississippi State University
Starkville, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Missouri, Kansas City
Kansas City, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Baylor University
Waco, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Utah State University
Logan, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of New Hampshire
Durham, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Binghamton University SUNY
Binghamton, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
West Virginia University
Morgantown, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Ohio University
Athens, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Brigham Young University
Provo, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rochester, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of North Texas
Denton, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
William & Mary
Williamsburg, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
San Diego State University
San Diego , United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Fordham University
New York City, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Texas El Paso
El Paso, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
George Mason University
Fairfax, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
The University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
Howard University
Washington D.C., United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Arkansas Fayetteville
Fayetteville, United States |
1001-1200 | n/a |
University of Toledo
Toledo, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Miami University
Oxford, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of the Pacific
Stockton, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Portland State University
Portland, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Seattle University
Seattle, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of Memphis
Memphis, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of Missouri Saint Louis
St. Louis, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
The City College of New York
New York City, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of San Diego
San Diego, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Cleveland State University
Cleveland , United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton
Boca Raton, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of South Alabama (USA)
Mobile, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
Marquette University
Milwaukee, United States |
1201-1400 | n/a |
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Milwaukee, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
California State University - Los Angeles
Los Angeles, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
Humboldt State University
Arcata, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
Illinois State University
Normal, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
University of Central Oklahoma
EDMOND, United States |
1401+ | n/a |
University of Montana Missoula
Missoula , United States |
1401+ | n/a |
Western Washington University
Bellingham, United States |